Finally you say! yes i know I haven't updated my blog in a while. I have been pretty busy with stuff, traveling, this and that. So let me get you caught up with what I have been doing.
I was visiting family back east for awhile. Good to see them, it has been a long time. The weather was a bit cold for me, since I live in Texas. I wasn't prepared and didn't bring any clothes for cold weather. But I survived.
When I got back home, my hubby and I started redecorating the master bedroom and bath. Yes if you remember from past blogs, we have been doing this for some time now. We are almost finished. It will be great when it's all done because I can now do new photos and video in the new redecorated rooms.
Beside visiting family back east, I also went west to do some filming again. And i am about to head back to LA in 2 weeks for the LA Erotica convention and also do some more filming. More details on that later.
I have a new DVD coming out this month, Lesbian Triangles, Episode 9, (see the box cover).
I will be doing 3 free live cam shows this week. See schedule below. The free shows are free for those that are members of my websites http://www.deauxma.net/ and http://www.deauxma.com/. After the free shows, i will try and do some private shows as weel (private shows are not free).
Wed, May 28 at 10:00 AM EST - Breakfast in Bed with Deauxma
Thur, May 29 at 5:00 PM EST - NBA Playoffs
Sat May 31 at 7:00 PM EST - Saturday Night Party
Thur, May 29 at 5:00 PM EST - NBA Playoffs
Sat May 31 at 7:00 PM EST - Saturday Night Party
Well that is it for now, drop me a line if you have any questions. Kisses, Deauxma