Hello everyone! As you know if you read my last blog, I made a trip to Europe to see the sites and also sign autographs at the Berlin Venus Convention. This part of the blog covers my first leg of the trip to London, England.
This was my first trip to the UK and I loved it. I checked into my hotel which was located across the street from Buckingham Palace. That is one big place, I would hate to clean it. Sorry to say the trip was so long and the time changed (7 hours) kicked my butt. I missed the changing of the guard each day I was there beacuse I was sleeping.
I must say that the UK is so so expensive. I have no idea how the people that live there can afford it. After the first day, we had to really budget our spending. Nice place to visist but would hate to live there.
The next day my hubby and I jumped on a city bus and road it all around the city untile the bus stopped. We had no idea we were suppose to get off. We were on the upper deck with nobody else up there. so we stayed on until it pulled into the bus station where they maintain them. Then they told us we have to get off. So we did, then found another bus and rode it all the way back. It was a fun day and we saw a ton of sights.
The next day we hopped on a tour boat and rode down the Thames river to see the two main attractions, the Tower Bridge and the Tower of London. That was quite an adventure, probably my favorite part of the trip to London. While at the Tower of London we saw the Crowne Jewels, quite a site.
One evening hubby and I took the Underground (subway) to Picadilly Circus and wanted to see what it was all about. Our jaws dropped when we saw it. It's basicaly like Time Square in New York, just 10 times bigger. It is a must see if you ever find yourself in London.
The rest of the time we walked and walked and walked some more seeing everything we could. One of my most memorable moments would be when my husband and I bought some sandwiches and went to the middle of a traffic circle and sat at the base of a big clock and just watch the people walk by.
In short, it was a great trip and glad we decided to stop in on the way to berlin, which i will cover in my next blog. Until then, kisses, Deauxma