Hello everyone. Hope all is well with you today. Yesterday was a pretty long day for me and I'm pretty worn out. I started off going to work at my real job, yes I do have a real job. Hmm, if anybody can guess what I do, I will send them a free DVD of their choice.
Then after getting home from that, I worked on my own business for a couple hours. Then I took a nap and then got ready for my autograph session at the video store.
This was my first time signing at a video store. I have done it at large conventions like the AVN, LA Erotica and the Glamourcoms, but never in a store, especially in my own home town. I was a bit worried that maybe a co-worker of mine might drop in and see me. But what the hell.
I was joined by my dearest and sweetest friend Lone Star Angel. She is also a model and we get together when we can. She and I had a good time meeting fans and just goofing off in between. when we got a chance, go check out her site. She is so nice!!
After the signing, Lone Star, our hubbies, the owner of the store and his wife a another friend that droped by were all starving and wanted something to eat now. So we all decided to go to Hooters for a late dinner. After we arrived at Hooters, it was so packed from people watching the local basketball game that we couldn't get a table for seven people. So we decided to go to Chilis to eat. You had to see the stares as we walked in to the place. I guess my very low cut top and big boobs drew a little atention, on top of that, I wasn't wearing a bra. Lone Star was wearing a very skimpy top and a mini skirt, drawing even more attention to us. We looked pretty sexy. Anyway, we had a good time at dinner.
Then my husband and I, and our female friend all went to a swingers club to hang out for the rest of the night. it was a pretty long day.
Lone Star and I will be out at another video store signing again tonight.
Thats it, so go out and have yourself a great day. Kisses.