Hello everyone. Hope all is well with you today. Yesterday was a pretty long day for me and I'm pretty worn out. I started off going to work at my real job, yes I do have a real job. Hmm, if anybody can guess what I do, I will send them a free DVD of their choice.
Then after getting home from that, I worked on my own business for a couple hours. Then I took a nap and then got ready for my autograph session at the video store.
This was my first time signing at a video store. I have done it at large conventions like the AVN, LA Erotica and the Glamourcoms, but never in a store, especially in my own home town. I was a bit worried that maybe a co-worker of mine might drop in and see me. But what the hell.
I was joined by my dearest and sweetest friend Lone Star Angel. She is also a model and we get together when we can. She and I had a good time meeting fans and just goofing off in between. when we got a chance, go check out her site. She is so nice!!
After the signing, Lone Star, our hubbies, the owner of the store and his wife a another friend that droped by were all starving and wanted something to eat now. So we all decided to go to Hooters for a late dinner. After we arrived at Hooters, it was so packed from people watching the local basketball game that we couldn't get a table for seven people. So we decided to go to Chilis to eat. You had to see the stares as we walked in to the place. I guess my very low cut top and big boobs drew a little atention, on top of that, I wasn't wearing a bra. Lone Star was wearing a very skimpy top and a mini skirt, drawing even more attention to us. We looked pretty sexy. Anyway, we had a good time at dinner.
Then my husband and I, and our female friend all went to a swingers club to hang out for the rest of the night. it was a pretty long day.
Lone Star and I will be out at another video store signing again tonight.
Thats it, so go out and have yourself a great day. Kisses.
Hey there....I was searching for reviews of our club (menages club) and google directed me to your site. My best friend owns the club now, I used to work there full time and I helped with the remodel when we opened. I'm "semi-retired" from the adult industry but I'm always there. My wife is still the bartender there. If you ever want to come by contact us. My friend loves meeting anyone in the adult industry as he started out working with me at my old strip club. I used to work in the adult film business years ago as well.We booked hundreds of entertainers over the years.We'd love to meet you.I have seen your work before. To contact us you can get me at agrieco@comcast.net.
I'm really in love with you, looking for content for you, just for other users to enjoy Dexuma's pics and video's
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